Music For Listeners 01/18/2025
First broadcast 01/11/2025
1) Beastie Boys-"Country Mike's Theme" From the compilation album 'Anthology: The Sounds of Science'.
2) Caleb Klauder & Reeb Willms - "He's Gone" From the brand new album 'Gold in Your Pocket'.
3) Emma Jean-Thackray (feat. Reggie Watts)-"Black Hole" From the brand new single for "Black Hole".
4) Oh My Sun-"All I Can Do" From the forthcoming album 'Apocalypse Baby'.
5) Gerald Love-"If I Could Tell You" From the compilation album,'Glass Remade/Remodeled'.
6) King Hannah-"Davey Says" From the brand new album 'Big Swimmer'.
7) French Film-"Lily" From the brand new split single with Middle Mass for "Lily/Voice of Glass".
8) Campfire Social-"Patsy Decline" From the brand new album 'They Sound the Same Underwater'.
9) Jake Bugg-"Zombieland" From the brand new album 'A Modern Day Distraction'.
10) Adventure Team-"Indigo" From the brand new album 'In Giraffe'.
11) Westside Cowboy-"I've Never Met Anyone I Thought I Could Really Love (Until I Met You)" From the brand new single for "I've Never Met Anyone I Thought I Could Really Love (Until I Met You)".
12) sweet93-"Be My Best" From the brand new single for "Be My Best".
13) Dancer-"Bluetooth Hell" From the brand new album '10 Songs I Hate About You'.
14) Cinerama-"Comedienne" From the brand new album "Va Va Voom 25'.
15) Interpol-"Evil" From the album 'Antics'.
16) Primal Scream-"Subterranean (John Peel Session)" From the brand new compilation album 'Reverberations (Travelling In Time)'.
17) Freak Slug-"Spells" From the album 'I Blow Out Big Candles'.
18) Horsegirl-"Julie" From the forthcoming album 'Phonetics On and On'.
19) Coldwave-"The Ants" From the brand new single for "The Ants".
20) Rowena Wise-"Nobody's Saviour" From the album 'Senseless Acts of Beauty'.
21) Ella Ion-"Need Your Love" From the brand new album 'Waiting'.
22) Delivery-"Who Makes Demands?" From the single for "Who Makes Demands?".
23) Ben Kweller-"Optimystic" From the forthcoming album 'Cover the Mirrors'.
24) The Cribs-"Things Aren't Gonna Change (Greenmount Demo)" From the "Definitive Edition" of the album 'The New Fellas'.
25) Chook Race-"Sometimes" From the album 'Around the House'.
26) Porcelain-"World I Know" From the album 'Porcelain'.
27) Richard Normal Valentine-"Close the Eyes" From the single for "Close the Eyes".
28) U2-"Country Mile" From the new album 'How to Re-Assemble an Atomic Bomb'.
29) Peter Gabriel-"Blood of Eden (Campfire)" Exclusive to Peter Gabriel's Bandcamp subscribers.
30) "The Mid-Morning Recording" The Wedding Present-'Live Tape No. 11 Den Haag - 30 October 1992'
Orly picked this MMR, just cause we both love 'The Hit Parade' from The Wedding Present.
31) James-"Sayonara" From the album 'Wah-Wah'.